Romance Vase- 12 Red Roses


Make this Valentine's Day unforgettable with our beautiful bouquet of 12 red roses, presented in a stunning vase. The perfect gift for your loved one, this bouquet showcases the classic symbol of love and passion, making it an ideal expression of your feelings.

Each rose is hand-selected for its beauty and vitality, then arranged by our expert florists to create a bouquet that is both lush and full of life. The vase provides a stylish and sophisticated presentation, making it an elegant addition to any room. The vase's sturdy design also ensures that the bouquet will last longer, so your loved one can enjoy the beauty of these roses for days to come.

ECO-OPTION - No Plastic!

Please note: cut-off time for Valentine’s Delivery is noon Monday, Feb 13th. Bouquets are available for pick-up after this time.

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Make this Valentine's Day unforgettable with our beautiful bouquet of 12 red roses, presented in a stunning vase. The perfect gift for your loved one, this bouquet showcases the classic symbol of love and passion, making it an ideal expression of your feelings.

Each rose is hand-selected for its beauty and vitality, then arranged by our expert florists to create a bouquet that is both lush and full of life. The vase provides a stylish and sophisticated presentation, making it an elegant addition to any room. The vase's sturdy design also ensures that the bouquet will last longer, so your loved one can enjoy the beauty of these roses for days to come.

ECO-OPTION - No Plastic!

Please note: cut-off time for Valentine’s Delivery is noon Monday, Feb 13th. Bouquets are available for pick-up after this time.

Make this Valentine's Day unforgettable with our beautiful bouquet of 12 red roses, presented in a stunning vase. The perfect gift for your loved one, this bouquet showcases the classic symbol of love and passion, making it an ideal expression of your feelings.

Each rose is hand-selected for its beauty and vitality, then arranged by our expert florists to create a bouquet that is both lush and full of life. The vase provides a stylish and sophisticated presentation, making it an elegant addition to any room. The vase's sturdy design also ensures that the bouquet will last longer, so your loved one can enjoy the beauty of these roses for days to come.

ECO-OPTION - No Plastic!

Please note: cut-off time for Valentine’s Delivery is noon Monday, Feb 13th. Bouquets are available for pick-up after this time.

Romance Hatbox - 12 Red Roses
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