The Baltimore
Introducing our beautiful natural Baltimore bouquet, expertly arranged by our skilled florists. This bouquet features a selection of the freshest, most vibrant flowers. The arrangement is designed to mimic the natural beauty of a wildflower field, with a mix of colours and textures that will add a touch of elegance to any room. The bouquet is arranged in a natural, loose style, allowing the individual blooms to shine. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion and is sure to delight and impress.
*Please note that photo is for illustration purposes only and that flower choice will vary daily due to seasonal availability.
Introducing our beautiful natural Baltimore bouquet, expertly arranged by our skilled florists. This bouquet features a selection of the freshest, most vibrant flowers. The arrangement is designed to mimic the natural beauty of a wildflower field, with a mix of colours and textures that will add a touch of elegance to any room. The bouquet is arranged in a natural, loose style, allowing the individual blooms to shine. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion and is sure to delight and impress.
*Please note that photo is for illustration purposes only and that flower choice will vary daily due to seasonal availability.
Introducing our beautiful natural Baltimore bouquet, expertly arranged by our skilled florists. This bouquet features a selection of the freshest, most vibrant flowers. The arrangement is designed to mimic the natural beauty of a wildflower field, with a mix of colours and textures that will add a touch of elegance to any room. The bouquet is arranged in a natural, loose style, allowing the individual blooms to shine. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion and is sure to delight and impress.
*Please note that photo is for illustration purposes only and that flower choice will vary daily due to seasonal availability.